Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2013...

Kathy Used the new Turbulence Training and Lost 11 Pounds of Fat and Gained New Confidence





138 lbs.

127 lbs.


33.5 inches

29 inches

Where was I a year ago?

I am Kathleen A. Gunn, I am continuously participating in my life transformation. A year ago I was challenged by the arrival of my mother into my home.

I realized that quickly that I am not able to provide the 95% care that is necessary for her to be happy and comfortable as an ageing parent.

She arrived October 1, 2012. She now lives in Skilled Nursing Facility under the watchful eye of the VA who is meeting their end of the deal from when she was a girl in the W.A.V.E.S.

I did my best and now she has the best. I feel good about this. She is happy. She is 91 years old.

During the same time that the above unfolded, I was becoming comfortable with meditation. I studied with my online Guru Burt Goldman in regard to learning to coping skills.

Burt walked me through my entire life and it took time. In the end I met Burt Goldman and received treatment from the man himself. I have since begun to come out of my shell and I now live without overwhelming self-doubt that held me back for so many years.

I jumped at the chance for yet another life transformation by participating in the 2013 90 Day Turbulence Training Life Transformation Contest.

I am focusing my main training on the TT 2.0 Belly Fat Burning Program. It has been very effective. I believe in my abilities and myself.

My goal is to launch myself into the 90-Day Turbulence Training Life Transformation Contest. I will continue building upon, retaining and maintaining the physical and mental changes that occur as a result of my participation.

I will cultivate these behaviors into my lifestyle and by the end of the contest I will have created a beautiful body for my positive attitude to live in.

This atmosphere includes me exercising regularly, enjoying a good diet and focusing on what I can do rather than the reasons why I have difficulties. By undertaking this challenge to myself not only am I exercising regularly, but in doing so I find that I have opted to replace the over consumption in a number of excessive behaviors with moderation.

Other things have simply been left behind. I am seeing drastic changes in many areas of my life. All of this change has dramatically changed my personality for the better.

I have always wanted to live this way. I recently spoke with my father and he told me that he was proud of me for challenging life and working to create the lifestyle that I desire. I am also proud of myself. Life is good today.

Where am I now? My morning weight for November 28, 2013 is 127 pounds I began this contest weighing 138 pounds

My thighs are now at 21 1/8 inches, my hips are 35 inches and my waist is at 29 inches. This morning I weighed in at 126 pounds.

No excuses just a great deal of success on the 90-day mark of my Lifetime Transformation. I have gone through a phase in which my skin looked like a large suit even at my wrist; I believe in my heart that there will be a balance because I continue through this new willingness to positively affect my body.

I have trained myself to take many positive/healthy actions throughout each day of my life and one day soon my skin will indeed fit my body again, my wrist is back to normal, and everything else should workout the same.

It is about letting nature do her thing and giving her enough time to pull it off. I intend to give her that time. I will never ever give up on my Life Transformation and myself.

I enjoy challenging life as I know it and my best advice is to find a coach and participate fully in the prescribed program. I recommend Craig Ballantyne.

I sought coaches for the areas of the contest that I required clarification on such as diet and beauty coach Ballantyne had suggested Isabel Del Rios for nutrition I followed through.

I also chose Carol Tuttle as the one to teach me how to present myself with her book THE TRUTH ABOUT YOUR BEAUTY.

From what she says it is the first of its kind. It has given me direction and I find it easier to follow than a diet. This by the way is going very well.

The TT Transformation Contests coach, Coach Craig Ballantyne keeps those encouraging emails coming. I would not have made it through the contest without his continued contact throughout the contest.

I have found an easy enough diet to follow in “Isabel De Los Rios" nutrition program. Coach says “You can’t out train a bad diet.” And also to “Focus on whole, natural foods and short burst workouts 90% of the time and to enjoy myself the other 10% - Guilt-free and cardio-free.” It works for me. Thanks Coach.

Win or lose I have had a great time and I have indeed changed many aspects of my life for the better. I will continue to practice the exercises that Coach Ballantyne makes available to all.

I have been working with my appearance and maintain my beautiful new body. I have never felt so confident about myself and my abilities to control my life. My life is what I choose for it to be today and my husband really likes the changes.

He tells me that I am beautiful every day and he means it. He has always told me that I was beautiful but because I was not actually doing anything to encourage beauty I did not hear the words, I did not believe him.

Now that I am taking pride in who I am and how that I present myself I hear him say it and they are the most wonderful words a girl could ask to hear. I am grateful to myself for taking control of my body.

I appreciate this opportunity to shine at 53 years of age and the effort that Craig Ballantyne puts into this annual event. I highly recommend that everybody take part in the 90-Day Turbulence Training Transformation Contest.

I am here to say that yes - mental transformations do occur when physical well being is directly challenged and one never gives up. My well being has defiantly affected by your program and many Keckich Credos.

My husband says that I have lost 20 years from my appearance/attitude about life as well as the weight. In his eyes I am a winner and he is so proud to have me at his side. I am defiantly making headway on my life transformation. 3 months ago I was sure that I was old.



With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week

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