Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2012...

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Vivien Lost 3-4 Inches Around Her Waist

I have different opinions about how I 'should' look like other girls, since 13. I've never lived an unhealthy, inactive life but I never was satisfied with my body shape.

Having tried many "diets" and tricks to achieve what I had in my mind, I only failed and results were only temporary.

My weight always came back. This has changed when I started this 12-week journey.

Finally the program I started seems to produce lasting, effecting plans for a busy lifestyle. I can declare that my perception of nutrition, weight and exercise has changed. I've learned when and how much to eat, and that you can still lose fat while not giving up anything you like.

What I like most in Turbulence Training is that they are easy to follow and I have a plan in the gym, not just making up one. I did the workouts at home, too, and the results are noticeable!

Since I was doing sports always and still do, it was not hard to do the exercises though there were a few which I found not that easy.

Eating was my bane on my previous attempts. At first it was a bit weird to count calories, to fast several hours (14-16h) and not eating more than 3 times a day (I had to exclude snack between learning sessions).

But now I'm proud to have made these changes because they no longer take work to do. They take care of themselves. I feel much better in my skin, have more confidence, working towards my goals slowly.

It's very satisfying to know that I've done everything: worked out, did the walks, ate as much as suggested and I see the inches melting off week-by-week.

In the past I was really frustrated that my weight was all over that place and I did not make progress.

But now I see that weight does not tell the reality always. I barely lost weight, yet I transformed my body, which means a recomposition effect according to my trainer, David. (his estimate is that my body fat went from 26-28% to 22-23%)

Now I only use the scale as guidance in bi-weekly occasions.

I have a lot to do nowadays (competitions, school, working out, friends) but I'm glad that this type of training and eating philosophy is now part of my life.

I consider these 12 weeks as an experience, a base knowledge. I'm pleased with my results but this it only.

Now I know what to do to reach my future goals and small successes motivate me to keep going.

And last but not least, being more happy and confident feels good! :)

I used Lean Gains as a nutrition style, 24/7 Fat loss and TT-MRT as programs.

Total weight lost: 0.5 lbs
Total inches from waist: 4.1 in

Thanks Craig for the contest!


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