Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2011...

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Gillian Loses 12 Pounds and 5% Body Fat With the Help of the Social Support from the TT Forum Members

I can?t believe the 12 weeks of the contest are up. What a journey it has
been! I have always loved reading the final essays from the TT contests and
been amazed by the transformations. I am now amazed by my own
transformation. It feels great to get to the end of the contest and realise
that hard work and determination pay off. TT workouts combined with eating
well works. No gimmicks, no quick fixes, just powering on through and making
it a priority.

I stuck with the TT workouts 3 times per week but often I exercised 5-6
times per wk so making sure I did something on my ?off? days. I really enjoy
the buzz from exercising and could not live without it. TT workouts are
awesome as they are quick and get the job done.

My diet consists of mostly natural, unprocessed foods ie -lean protein such
as chicken, turkey and fish, tons of fruit and veg, low fat dairy products,
nuts and nut butters, and wholegrains such as quinoa, oats, brown rice
(included more so in the beginning of the contest). I did quite a bit of
experimentation on the nutrition front. I tried ESE style fasts and the slow
carb diet particularly in the last 6 wks of the contest. I had a cheat day
or 2-3 cheat meals each wk. Feeling deprived is not an option for me.

This contest has shown me that I was never truly consistent in the past.
Often I would get close to my goal weight but I would then let things slip
and end up back at square one. I also think I have a tendency to self
sabotage my efforts and go back to comfortable habits. So the first lesson I
have learnt is consistency is essential!

The next major thing I have learnt is that support is necessary to keep me
on track. The support I have received from the forum has been amazing; I
can?t thank Craig enough for setting this up. I can honestly say I would not
have stuck with the contest if it wasn?t for the brilliant support from
other TTers . The words of wisdom from everyone are great to have at the
touch of a button. I also really enjoyed picking people up when they were
down. A lot of us seemed to hit a wall towards this 6 wk mark and it was
nice to know other people were feeling the same as me and that we would get
through it together.

The contest may be over but I feel this is only the beginning of a journey
for me. I hope to continue progressing towards achieving my goals and to
continue learning. I want to find a way to maintain my weight, be happy and
healthy and in control over the choices I make. As well as this I want to
help and support others in their weight loss journeys.

12 week results
Weight = 138 lbs - 12lbs (start 150 lbs)
Body fat percentage = 19.9% (start 25%) -5.1%

Chest = 35 inches -3 (start 38)
Waist = 30 inches - 4.5 (start 34.5)
Hips = 35 inches - 2 (start 37)
Thigh = 19 inches -1.75 (start 20.75)
Arm = 10.25 inches -0.25 (start 10.5)

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