Turbulence Training
Transformation Contest 2011...

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Elizabeth Loses 10 Pounds and 4% Body Fat And Is Stronger Than Ever in Her Fit Dancer's Body

Turbulence Training has not only changed my body, it has changed my outlook
on exercise forever.  

Starting Weight:  158                 Ending Weight: 148
Starting Body Fat %:  23%   Ending Bodyfat %: 19%

As a dancer most of my life, I have always strived to have the perfect body
that my teachers always wanted me to have.  Unfortunately, I never got to
the point for them that made them happy with my body.  I have always worked
very hard, ate well and did everything I could to achieve a certain body
type but for some reason I have never gotten to that point.  Until now.

I have always loved working out and being active as I grew up on the beach
with wonderful weather and friends who enjoyed being active as well.  Not
only did I dance, I loved to swim, play volleyball, run and bike.  As a
teenager, especially being a lifeguard, I was always self-conscious about
myself as there were so many girls who had, what I considered, perfect
bodies and I have tried my whole life to get to that point for my own body.

I never understood how they achieved their body but I certainly did
everything in my power to get to their level.  I would even sit there and
think, ?How am I not 100lbs?  I work out every day, sometimes twice a day,
eat lettuce and melba toast and my stomach is not going anywhere!?  

One summer day as a teenager, I was at the gym and I started seeing
professional body builders and started to study what they were doing but the
problem was that I would be copying male bodybuilders who were obviously
trying to achieve a different type of goal and I just got bigger and

I remember I was in Gold?s Gym and I looked up at the ceiling and there was
this huge picture of Cory Everson.  I remember thinking, ?She is an amazing
athlete, she is strong, she is sexy and she is not a stick.  I want that.?  
The problem is that I also wanted to be stick thin.  The thing that I
realized is that I had to pick one of the two.  However, I continued to
spend my days and nights trying to achieve both.  Unfortunately, neither
happened with my choices of working out and eating barely anything.

I have constantly gained and regained the same 15 pounds for the last 5
years.  I kept thinking it was just my body and that I would never ever get
to my goal and I started to give up a bit.  But since I don?t give up on
anything, I was not going to start now, especially for my own mind, body and

I started to go the gym again, doing my same old routine, when something
just clicked.  I told myself, ?Ask someone at your gym what you are doing
wrong and see if they are willing to help you?.  

I took a boot camp class from a trainer in the gym where I am a member and I
knew she would be perfect to train with because she was tough, strong and in
amazing shape.  I also somehow knew she would push me to my limits.  That
trainer was Molly Piercy and, to my surprise, she was not filled with the
same old same old exercises.   She introduced me to Turbulence Training and
completely swore by it.  From the minute she started training me with this
program, I was hooked and forever thankful that she introduced me to
turbulence training.

I must say that as a dancer, I am used to being athletic and training
extremely hard, but this training was completely different.  And extremely
difficult but I loved it.  My body was able to do things that I never
thought it could.  I am stronger than ever and I feel great about myself.  

I was a slave to the scale since what feels like birth but since I started
this program, the scale shows nothing but a number.  It does not show how
many push-ups I am able to do, it does not show that I can run uphill
sprints for 20 minutes straight, it does not show that I bench press more
than most people in my gym on my days off.  

It also does not show the confidence that Turbulence Training has given me
which is priceless.  90 days into this program and I am positive I will hit
my goal.  When?  I don?t know but I do know that I have a new fitness life
that will present my goal to me in time.  It is up to me and I am going to
go and go until I get there.  I have Turbulence Training to thank for that
as this has been a life-changing opportunity and experience.

With Craig Ballantyne's Revolutionary Turbulence Training System, You Can Now Lose Fat While Gaining Muscle At The Same Time With Just 3 Short, (But Intense) Workouts A Week

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